Treating Parkinson’s Disease with CBD and other Cannabinoids

Overview of Parkinson’s Disease (PD)
Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological disease that is a result of gradual destruction of dopamine neurons in the brain. PD first manifests as a variety of dyskinesia (movement disorder) type symptoms. Some of which include tremors, muscle stiffness, rigidity, and lack of facial expression (dystonia). There is no known cure for Parkinson’s and the severity of the symptoms increase over time. Sadly, the ongoing destruction of dopamine neurons eventually leads to Parkinson’s Disease Dementia (PDD) in nearly 80% of patients. PDD is a condition very similar to Alzheimer’s Disease; and results from an build up of destructive Lewy Body proteins in the brain. Parkinson’s Disease is typically treated with the medication L-Dopa, which is an amino acid precursor to the neurotransmitter Dopamine. Unfortunately, L-Dopa does nothing to lower the overabundance of G-Coupled Proteins (GPR), which are believed to be the main cause of Parkinson’s.

CBD Oil’s Effect on Parkinson’s Disease
Studies have shown that treatment with CBD Oil can not only reduce the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease, but it may also halt the progression of the disease itself. CBD has positive effects on both abnormalities in the Central Nervous System (CNS) as well as the Enteric Nervous System located in the gut. Within the Central Nervous System CBD acts as an inverse agonist of multiple GPR receptors, most notably GPR6. By binding to the GPR receptors in this way, it leads to a decrease of GPR levels in the brain. Reduction of GPR levels results in an increase of dopamine levels, and thus reduction of Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms.

The human stomach, or gut also contains a large number of Endocannabinoid Receptors These receptors are the natural binding sites for CBD, THC, and all other cannabinoids. Proper levels of endocannabinoids in the gut has been shown to lead to a well balanced microbiome. The microbiome refers to the balance of microorganisms and bacteria in the stomach. Another root cause of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is an unhealthy microbiome, as the CNS and Enteric Nervous System need to have healthy interaction (Gut-Brain Axis).

Final Notes
There are a couple important things to consider about using CBD to treat Parkinson’s Disease. First of all, a full spectrum CBD product would provide better results than isolate. All cannabinoids have been shown to be beneficial in PD symptom reduction. Please consult a doctor first, but it is thought to be safe to use CBD alongside L-Dopa for PD treatment.

Buying CBD for the first time? Read this Guide First

Like with medical marijuana, the wonderful world of CBD can be slightly overwhelming for a newbie and with the mainstream media going crazy for its health benefits, more and more companies are popping up selling a variety of different CBD products, such as CBD vape, sweet CBD candy, the vape pen, capsules, CBD gummies, and other CBD edibles, CBD isolate, a CBD tincture or two, and even CBD dog treats. With so much information (and misinformation) flying around the Internet and through word of mouth, many of those who are curious about experiencing the benefits of nature’s miracle supplement are finding themselves confused about what to take and when.

So, in a bid to clarify things and debunk some myths about CBD, or cannabidiol oil, along with the potential effects and benefits of CBD, this guide will tell you everything you need to know about how to get started with buying CBD for the first time. Looking to buy CBD? Read on.

Not All CBD Oil Is Created Equal

The very first thing you need to understand in order to get started with making a CBD purchase is that not all oils will be effective and the effects of CBD will differ. The rise in popularity with regards to CBD products means that every day, new CBD companies are popping up left, right, and center and, unfortunately, many of them offer poor quality oils at extortionate prices. You should always look for the following criteria before making a decision about which brand to purchase.

Full spectrum CBD not isolateOrganic-, GMO-, and pesticide-freeCO2 extraction method for purityTransparency with regards to ingredients and concentrateThird-party lab testedThe company is willing to provide a lab report on requestLegal amount of THC

Buying a full spectrum oil means that you will also be able to enjoy all of the benefits from the whole plant and not just the isolated cannabinoid compound.

Dont be a Penny Pincher

Absolutely everyone loves a bargain in life and, most often, if someone knows they can get away with cutting corners to save money to buy CBD oil in tincture form, they will! This is absolutely fine when it comes to superficial products, but not when it comes to a product that we ingest into our bodies. Trying to save money by buying CBD oil that is way cheaper than other brands is pretty much the same as setting fire to the total amount you will be paying. Producing a pure, full spectrum CBD oil that is extracted in the purest way is expensive, which is why many of the reputable CBD manufacturers charge a higher price for their products. If you purchase premium quality oil from a reputable vendor, you might pay a higher price, but you will also be safe in the knowledge that the positive benefits are in sight.

One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Each and every one of us has a completely unique endocannabinoid system and the efficacy of a particular dose of CBD depends on the following factors:

Severity of your conditionBody weightHeightMetabolic rateToleranceFitness level

This means that two drops of CBD oil might work really well for some people, but won’t even touch the sides with others. As it stands, the dosage is one of the biggest hurdles that cause new CBD users to become frustrated or give up in favor of pharmaceuticals. Before purchasing CBD oil, consider how serious your symptoms are and how you usually respond to medication. If you usually need a higher dose to feel an effect, then you might need to gradually increase your dose of CBD to several drops each day, in which case buying a bigger sized bottle could end up saving you money in the long run.

Do Your Research

And, by that, we mean Google should become your best friend until you make a decision about which CBD oil to purchase. A simple search of “most reputable CBD companies in your area” should produce a list of rated and reviewed companies. And the great thing about the Internet is that you cannot hide from it. This means that a genuine company will have received reputable reviews and a company offering poor products will also be ousted. A good quality CBD brand will have received media praise as well as recommendations from users online.

If in Doubt, Ask!

2019 has seen a rise in small businesses, especially within the CBD industry. Many of the companies offering CBD oil online will happily take the time to clear up any questions you might have and the better websites will offer an in-depth FAQ section.

Check the THC Levels

One of the common myths about CBD oil is that it will get you high. This is categorically not true and here’s why:

The Cannabis or hemp plant is made up of hundreds of compounds, the two primary ones being CBD and THC. THC is the compound that gets you high and it is only found in incredibly limited quantities in full spectrum oil. Legally, there cannot be more than 0.3% THC in CBD oil and this tiny amount will not produce any psychoactive effects when combined with CBD. If you live in a state where marijuana has been legalized, then it is possible that some dispensaries will sell oils containing a higher amount of THC. If in doubt, always check before making a purchase and, in any case, this information should be prominent on the packing of the product you want to buy.

The power of word of mouth goes a long way, especially when it comes to “hot topics” like CBD. Thanks to the Internet and public forums, scam artists are quickly exposed. In turn, good products will receive praise from consumers, media outlets, and, of course, social media. Spending some time browsing the Internet for CBD oil recommendations makes navigating the confusion you might be experiencing much easier and on finding a brand you feel confident about, a quick Google search on their company name will reveal everything you need to know about their products.

For more information click on the link below

Potential of CBD in Battling America’s Opiate Epidemic

The effects of cbd can prove to be a huge tool in fighting our country’s opiate epidemic in more ways than one.  The properties of cbd have the potential to not only treat the symptoms of opiate withdrawal, but also to prevent the initial onset of addiction.  Preventing the ugly “disease” of Addiction from manifestation should be the first priority.  Which is why chronic pain patients should be treated with CBD prior to being prescribed opiates on a regular basis.

CBD as an Alternative to Opiates

Many opiate addicts can trace the onset of their addiction to the moment they first sought out relief for their chronic pain condition.  An estimated 15-20% of opiate addicts first began using opiates legally to treat a legitimate pain condition.  Sadly, more often than not, doctors have turned directly to prescription opiates as the solution in these instances.  Or many times they prescribe NSAIDs or Corticosteroids as a first line of treatment, which usually prove to be ineffective, so then they turn to opiates to control the patient’s pain.  The prescribed opiate works like magic (initially), the patient’s pain is controlled, and they are happy.  We all know the road this eventually leads down, without need for further narrative.

What if those doctors would instead attempt to treat their patients’ pain condition with an alternative to opiates that has displayed high efficacy at alleviating pain long term with little to no side effects?  This of course would be CBD.  The good news is that more and more pain specialists are doing so, and the results are highly encouraging.

Its no secret that CBD can be extremely effective at relieving chronic pain for many people. This is especially true for those who suffer chronic pain as a result of disease or biological conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and Crohn’s Disease. Even though CBD has no effect on the human endorphin system or opiate receptors, it alleviates pain via its effects on the endocannabinoid system and its activation of the TRPV-1 receptor and the 5-HTIA serotonin receptors.

The Science Behind How CBD Alleviates Depression and Anxiety

The percentage of the American population suffering from a major depressive disorder is steadily rising every year.  Recent statistics estimate the current percentage to be around 4.4%  Most of the time their depression is  accompanied by an anxiety disorder as well.  In fact, mental illness is the leading cause of Long Term Disability in the US.  Each year pharmaceutical companies continue to develop new antidepressants, yet these so called pharmacological advancements coincide with a paradoxical increase in depression rates.  Even though the sample size is small, studies have shown that treatment with CBD has shown to be more effective at alleviating symptoms of depression than nearly all classes of antidepressants, as long as an adequate dose is consumed.  Even more encouraging are the facts that CBD works immediately; and is virtually free of side effects.

 CBD’s effect on Serotonin receptors

With cannabidiol finally emerging to full legal status and just beginning to shed the unjustified stigma that decades of ignorance has caused, its not surprising that it is a little known fact that CBD has profound positive effects on both serotonin and GABAa receptors.  CBD activates the 5-HT(1A) Serotonin receptors, providing antidepressant-like effects comparable to those of the antidepressant Imipramine.  This activation facilitates Serotonin receptor-mediated neurotransmission and attenuates (lessens) the brain’s autonomic response to stress.

CBD and GABAa Neurotransmitters

GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter found it the brain.  GABAa receptors are what benzodiazepine drugs such as Valium, Xanax, and Klonopin bind to, giving them their profoundly effective anxiolytic qualities.  Alcohol is the other most commonly consumed GABAa receptor agonist.  Nearly everyone is familiar with the manner in which alcohol can relieve a person of their inhibitions.  Unfortunately repeated consumption of any of these drugs causes the brain to slow or cease production of its own GABA neurotransmitters.  This is the reason for the horrible withdrawal associated with these substances.  CBD on the other hand has a different and healthier effect on GABAa receptors.  As opposed to GABA agonist, which shut the brain’s natural GABA production down, CBD is a Positive Allosteric Modulator of GABA receptors.  In short, a PAM does not bind directly to the GABA receptors, but rather they enhance the receptor’s binding affinity for its natural endogenous GABA molecule (neurotransmitter).

The Endocannabinoid System

Every human being is born with an endogenous endocannabinoid system (ECS).  For this system to function properly the individual must consume a diet which contains an adequate supply of cannabinoids.  Unfortunately we don’t ingest nearly enough foods such as black pepper, cacao, kava, and echinacea that contain cannabinoids.  Therefore many individuals have an improperly functioning ECS.  Proper functioning of the endocannabinoid system enhances serotonergic and noradrenergic transmission, increases cellular plasticity and neurotrophin expression in the hippocampus; which is the section of the brain responsible for regulating emotions.  Abnormalities or deficiencies in the ECS, mainly pertaining to CB1 receptors have been found in individuals with nearly every form of depressive disorder, as well as every type of anxiety disorder.

CBD and Cancer Treatment

Recent cancer studies using CBD and its pre-cursor CBDA have displayed very encouraging results.  Many of the results implicate CBD as a potential treatment for certain forms of cancer.  According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), over 20 independent studies have shown CBD and other cannabinoids to possess anti-cancer properties. The most encouraging results have come in human studies involving brain breast cancers.  CBD has shown that it inhibits the growth of, and even kill the cells of, certain cancerous tumors. It also provides well documented relief of the secondary symptoms associated with cancer, as well as chemotherapy treatment.

CBD has been found to inhibit cell proliferation, metastasis, and tumor growth in human breast cancer cells.  One breast cancer study has even shown it to induce apoptosis (programmed cell death)”Shrivastava A, et al.”  Other studies have found CBD to have antiproliferative effects on human glioma (brain cancer) cells; and even increase cell autophagy and apoptosis as well “Massi P, et al.”  Multiple other encouraging results have come from animal studies involving lung, prostate, colon, and bladder cancer.

 Cancer and its treatment by chemotherapy have been known to exhibit a wide array of unpleasant symptoms and side effects.  Fortunately, CBD has helped many patients manage symptoms such as nausea, appetite loss, pain, inflammation, and anxiety.  One study showed that CBD reduced chemotherapy-induced pain that had proven intractable to opioids.  Yet another survey found that after six to eight weeks of cannabis treatments, cancer patients experienced significant improvements in all measured cancer related symptoms, which included nausea, vomiting, mood disorders, fatigue, weight loss, anorexia, constipation, sexual function, sleep disorders, itching, and pain.

More info can be found by clicking on the links below:

Infused CBD Products

This blog entry is to help provide understanding of some of the newest and most scientifically advanced CBD products on the market today.  Most consumers should have some knowledge of the pros and cons of the two most common forms of CBD, full spectrum and isolate.  For a brief description and comparison of the two, refer to my previous blog post.  Here I would like to share some information on some infused CBD products, such as liposomes and terpsolates.


One of the newest and most scientifically advanced forms of CBD delivery is through liposomes.  Liposomes are artificially constructed vesicles consisting of a phospholipid bilayer in which the target molecule (CBD) is carried.  Simply put, liposomes are tiny fat bubbles surrounding the CBD molecules and preventing them from being broken down by the GI tract.  Pharmaceutical companies have been using liposomes for years to enhance drug delivery; and some studies have shown an increase of bioavailability of up to 400%.


Another new variety of CBD product that is scientifically engineered to enhance potency is called terpsolate.  CBD terpsolates combine highly refined pure CBD Isolate extract with pure terpenes, which are extracted separately from hemp oil.  This combination forms a very potent blend and the high quality product, known as terpsolate.  The synergy formed by CBD Isolate and Terpenes in the pure form (terpsolate) is more effective at producing the “Entourage Effect” than the terpenes contained in full spectrum CBD oil.  The reason for this is that the terpene levels are much higher in terpsolate, since they are removed from hemp oil through targeted extraction themselves.

CBD Isolate, Full Spectrum CBD, and the "Entourage Effect"

By now most people are aware that there are multiple different types of CBD products.  The two types that are most often compared and contrasted as far as beneficial properties are CBD Isolates and Full Spectrum CBD products.  Another highly potent, but less publicized form of CBD are the many different types of Infused CBD products.

CBD Isolate products are the purest and most refined form of CBD.  They usually contain upwards of 99.9% CBD.  This form of cbd is usually sold in its purest form as crystalline powder, or more commonly added to a carrier oil such as MCT or coconut oil for easier administration.  For many this is the preferred form of CBD.

Of the eighty to one hundred different types of cannabinoids found in the hemp plant, so far CBD has been found to posses the most significant healing properties.  With that being said, it is not the only beneficial compound found in hemp oil.  Other cannabinoids such as CBG, CBN, and CBL have proven to have healing powers of their own.  In addition to cannabinoids, terpenes are aromatic compounds found in hemp oil that have healing effects of their own.

Full Spectrum CBD Oil consists of highly concentrated CBD, but it has not been completely stripped of the other naturally occurring cannabinoids and terpenes.  Many people find Full Spectrum CBD to be even more effective than pure CBD Isolate.  This is attributed to a phenomenon known as the “Entourage Effect.”  The Entourage Effect is basically a synergistic effect that is created by the numerous other cannabinoids and terpenes enhancing the potency of CBD.

In my next blog post I will provide a little insight into the science behind some of the lesser known, but highly effective forms of infused CBD products.

CBD and the Human Endocannabinoid System

During my last blog post I began to briefly discuss the system that all humans naturally possess, known as the Endocannabinoid System.  This is the biological system that CBD affects when consumed; and thus the system responsible for all of the healing properties of CBD.  I began to type this blog post myself, but then I came across an article written by scholars who are much more knowledgeable than me.  Click on the link below to view the article.