CBD and Cancer Treatment

Recent cancer studies using CBD and its pre-cursor CBDA have displayed very encouraging results.  Many of the results implicate CBD as a potential treatment for certain forms of cancer.  According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), over 20 independent studies have shown CBD and other cannabinoids to possess anti-cancer properties. The most encouraging results have come in human studies involving brain breast cancers.  CBD has shown that it inhibits the growth of, and even kill the cells of, certain cancerous tumors. It also provides well documented relief of the secondary symptoms associated with cancer, as well as chemotherapy treatment.

CBD has been found to inhibit cell proliferation, metastasis, and tumor growth in human breast cancer cells.  One breast cancer study has even shown it to induce apoptosis (programmed cell death)”Shrivastava A, et al.”  Other studies have found CBD to have antiproliferative effects on human glioma (brain cancer) cells; and even increase cell autophagy and apoptosis as well “Massi P, et al.”  Multiple other encouraging results have come from animal studies involving lung, prostate, colon, and bladder cancer.

 Cancer and its treatment by chemotherapy have been known to exhibit a wide array of unpleasant symptoms and side effects.  Fortunately, CBD has helped many patients manage symptoms such as nausea, appetite loss, pain, inflammation, and anxiety.  One study showed that CBD reduced chemotherapy-induced pain that had proven intractable to opioids.  Yet another survey found that after six to eight weeks of cannabis treatments, cancer patients experienced significant improvements in all measured cancer related symptoms, which included nausea, vomiting, mood disorders, fatigue, weight loss, anorexia, constipation, sexual function, sleep disorders, itching, and pain.

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