Infused CBD Products

This blog entry is to help provide understanding of some of the newest and most scientifically advanced CBD products on the market today.  Most consumers should have some knowledge of the pros and cons of the two most common forms of CBD, full spectrum and isolate.  For a brief description and comparison of the two, refer to my previous blog post.  Here I would like to share some information on some infused CBD products, such as liposomes and terpsolates.


One of the newest and most scientifically advanced forms of CBD delivery is through liposomes.  Liposomes are artificially constructed vesicles consisting of a phospholipid bilayer in which the target molecule (CBD) is carried.  Simply put, liposomes are tiny fat bubbles surrounding the CBD molecules and preventing them from being broken down by the GI tract.  Pharmaceutical companies have been using liposomes for years to enhance drug delivery; and some studies have shown an increase of bioavailability of up to 400%.


Another new variety of CBD product that is scientifically engineered to enhance potency is called terpsolate.  CBD terpsolates combine highly refined pure CBD Isolate extract with pure terpenes, which are extracted separately from hemp oil.  This combination forms a very potent blend and the high quality product, known as terpsolate.  The synergy formed by CBD Isolate and Terpenes in the pure form (terpsolate) is more effective at producing the “Entourage Effect” than the terpenes contained in full spectrum CBD oil.  The reason for this is that the terpene levels are much higher in terpsolate, since they are removed from hemp oil through targeted extraction themselves.